Trying to Remove a Key Stuck in the Ignition:
Make sure your vehicle is in PARK. If your vehicle is not completely in the correct gear (park), you will not be able to remove your key.
Make sure your key is in the OFF position when you are trying to remove your key.
Try to turn the key forward, then back to the OFF position.
Turn the steering wheel to the left and try to remove. Then, try to turn the steering wheel to the right and try to remove.
Lightly tap on the key with a rubber mallet. Tap the key inward, then try to remove the key.
Don't force the key to turn! You could break it off into the ignition causing further damage.
If Your Key Won't Turn:
Make sure you are using the correct key!
Jiggle the key a little bit and try to turn it.
If the steering wheel is locked, turn the steering wheel to the left and try to turn, then turn the steering wheel to the right and try to turn the key.
Use a rubber mallet to lightly tap the key inward, then try to turn the key again.
Don't force the key to turn! You could snap off the key in the ignition and cause further damage.
If All Else Fails...
If your key is worn, replace it!
If your key has a chip that is damaged, replace it!
You may need new ignition components. Contact your mechanic!
J&S FixQuik Auto | Mobile Auto Repair | Aurora, IL